Sunday, March 3, 2013

The blog post that almost never was-- NARS Douceur Blush

Well this blog post is only a little over 6 months overdue, so let's get on with it. Douceur is the famed matte rosy-brown blush from NARS that has had many light to medium skinned ladies clamoring about their newfound cheekbones. Fully count me in to that group, as Douceur lifts the face and adds a warm rosy brown hue to the face and some chiseling all in one swipe. It may seem like a lot of fanfare over a blah looking blush, but I assure you, it's well worth the hype.

Apologies for the extreme close-up, but this photo is the best I've taken to show how much Douceur shapes the face. Dusted with a bit of highlighter on top of Douceur, I've got the flush and contour and sheen that I need to take over the world, or at least bustle around with my smug new defined cheeks!
What do ya'll think? Have you been sold on Douceur? What's your fave NARS blush?

1 comment:

  1. I just ordered this blush, but I have to know what lipstick you're wearing in this!
